A blog designed to educate on healthy herbs to include in the diet according to Dr. Sebi teachings. Herb have healing properties and with proper nutrition anyone can experience this healing process.
Dr. Sebi teaches, It is no surprise that many people have “wheat-allergies”, because wheat is not a natural grain; it is a hybrid product created by science and it is acid-based. Natural Growing Grains are alkaline-based; it is recommended that you consume the following instead of Wheat:
Black Rice
Wild Rice
These grains can be found at Whole Foods
Market (or any health food store) in the form
of breads, flours, pastas and cereals.
Geo Thermo Springs are the most important springs on the Earth. With a PH of 9.6 these spring waters have astounding healing properties. Geothermal energy is heat derived from Earth's interior. Resources include hot springs and wells, hot dry rock, and even molten rock. These may be converted into heat and electricity. Taking a swim or bathe in hot springs have proven to be beneficial.
Drinking Waters
Alkaline water if possible. Test your water by using test strips to see the Ph levels. You can always create alkaline water if it is not readily available to you b using, limes, shungite rocks and some say baking soda (keep in mind the sodium levels of the soda). Of course water filtration systems and some pitchers you can buy in the store will help.
Limes - Fill a glass container with water and cut up some limes in the water.
Shungite- Fill a glass container with water of shungite rocks at the botton and allow to sit for 24-48 hours and drink as desired.
"Its very important that our bodies have proper nutrition to survive without sickness. If you wish to heal you must change your diet. Most people eat what looks good to the eyes instead of looking deeper into the benefits of the foods they consume. Dr. Sebi said it best,
"Alkaline Foods For Alkaline Bodies."
Dr. Sebi African Bio-Mineral Therapy Program is essential when taking his products, or attempting a cleanse in any form, it examines and identifies the causes, not merely the symptoms, of disease. Further, he finds that the cause of disease is mucus. Disease will manifest in the body where mucus has accumulated. Although the natural vegetation cell food compounds were designed to extract mucus from a given area of the body, it is also necessary for the body to be cleansed as a whole. What makes Dr. Sebi food suggestions and compounds unique is the manner in which they work to cleanse and nourish the entire body.
Through this approach, he has been successful in reversing pathologies. Since the herbs used have a natural origin, the compounds are still releasing their cleansing properties 14 days after they are initially taken.
An equally important aspect of the African Bio-Mineral Therapy Program is if it's not on the list they strongly recommend you not eat it, adhering to the nutritional guidelines following. The herbal compounds working in conjunction with nutritional changes will give the body the proper environment to achieve optimal health.
Some of the herbs in Dr. Sebi Compounds are as follows: Ortiga Tila Nopal Chondrus Crispus - Irish Moss Bladderwrack Cardo Santo Contribo Hombre Grande Bugleweed Sugar Kelp Governadora We have some of these products in stock to buy on our website, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us.
Drinking a gallon of water daily helps to produce the most beneficial results of the African Bio-Mineral Therapy Program.
Dr. Sebi said, “Avoid using a microwave, it will kill your food”.
All information is for educational purposes only and is the personal view and opinion of the author(s) and/or owner; this is not in any way intended as medical advice, personal instruction, diagnosis, or prescription. This information and content have not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to cure or prevent any disease. Please consult the advice of a medical health professional for any and all medical advice.
Dr Sebi breaks down all the healing systems and how they aren't consistent with black people. Introduces the African Bio Mineral Balance. Also talks about garlic & carrots not being good for us. Rest in Love till we meet again Sebi...
Alfredo Darrington Bowman, also known as Dr. Sebi, was a Honduran herbalist and healer, who also practiced for a period in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Born: November 26, 1933, Honduras
Died: August 6, 2016, La Ceiba, Honduras
Nationality: Honduran
Spouse(s): : Patsy Bowman; Maha Bowman;
Parents: Violet Francis Bowman, Clifford Bowman
Dr. Sebi is a pathologist, herbalist, biochemist, and naturalist. He has studied and personally observed herbs in America, Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean, and has developed a unique approach to healing with herbs that is firmly rooted in over 30 years of practical experience.
Dr. Sebi was born Alfredo Bowman on November 26, 1933, in the village of Ilanga in Spanish Honduras. Sebi never attended school, not even kindergarten. Instead, he took cues on being obedient to the procession of life from his beloved grandmother, "Mama Hay". Sebi's mother left her young son with his grandmother to obtain work in another town. His early days of play and observation by the river and in the forest, coupled with guidance from his grandmother, afforded Sebi the foundation to be obedient to the Truth in his later life.
Sebi came to the United States as a self-educated man who was diagnosed with asthma, diabetes, impotency, and obesity. After unsuccessful treatments with conventional doctors, Sebi was lead to an herbalist in Mexico. Finding great healing success from all his ailments, he began creating natural vegetation cell food compounds geared for inter-cellular cleansing and the revitalization of all the cells that make up the human body. Inspired by the personal healing experience and knowledge he gained, he began sharing the compounds with others, which gave birth to the USHA Research Institute, Dr. Sebi LLC, and the Usha Healing Village located in La Ceiba, Honduras.
Dr. Sebi has cured people suffering with Aids, Cancer, Diabetes, Fibroids, Herpes, Drug Addiction, High Blood Pressure and etc. His Herbal products increases your energy and boosts your immune system. Dr. Sebi's products are manufactured and sold out of California. Some of you may have seen his healing retreat in Honduras on VH-1 in the program titled, "The Last Days of Left Eye", the media omitted why she was in Honduras, she was visiting her great friend Sebi. Lisa Lopes was a very dear friend and client of Dr. Sebi, as was Michael Jackson, and many other stars from the world of entertainment. Dr. Sebi is no longer with us as most of you know already. I started this blog many years ago. I leave it here in tribute to Sebi and his great gift to our human kind.